HOW TO REGISTER FOR ACCESSING THE LNF Contact Daniela Ferrucci Tari users, before coming to the LNF, should register using the TARI REGISTRATION FORM (mandatory). The registration consists of some information, mostly requested by the EC, other requested by our administration, including the arrival and departure dates and housing request. The codes used are those listed in the application form guidelines. The Project Number must be specified (it can be found on the page of approved projects or asked to the group leader). Some personal data (Name, Family Name, home Institution and e-mail) and the schedule of visits at LNF will be visible on the web. All the other data will be used only for the purpose of this contract. The registration password and the Project Number will be communicated to the group leaders. ... and what to do for the next visits
TARI REGISTERED USERS should send information about next visits as soon as possible. This will be possible by searching and updating their own record (with a personal password submitted by the user the first time he/she registers).
Furthermore, foreigners must have complied with Italian immigration and visa requirements.
GROUP LEADER'S DUTIES In order to comply with the Grant Agreement requirements and TARI management, the Group Leader should: