TARI is the acronym for "Transnational Access to major Research Infrastructures" which is one of the three schemes of the action line called "Enhancing Access to Research Infrastructure". This action is part of the research and technological development programme "Improving the Human Research Potential and Socio-Economic Knowledge Base" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Union.
The aim of the TARI scheme is to provide researchers from the European and Associated Countries with free access supported by the European Union to the Major Research Infrastructures in Europe. The term "research infrastructures" refers to facilities and establishments that provide the research community with essential services such as: singular large-scale research installations, collections, special habitats, libraries, data-bases, integrated arrays of small research installations, as well as infrastructural centres of competence which provide a service for the wider research community based on an assembly of techniques and know-how.
The TARI scheme is implemented with contracts between the European Commission and major European research infrastructures. These contracts support the mobility costs of visiting scientists and the expenses for the infrastructure.
The "Laboratori Nazionali
Frascati" (LNF) of the "Istituto Nazionale di Fisica
(INFN) have been financed to give access to researchers for the period
(Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00088).
The only eligible research teams (made of one or more researchers) are those that conduct their research activity in the E.U. Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom) other than Italy, or in the Associated States (*). They must be entitled to disseminate or arrange dissemination of the knowledge generated under the project carried out at the Infrastructure (exception may be made for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - SMEs - teams). Furthermore, their interest should lie in one of the following Facilities:
Electron-Positron Collider
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory DAFNE-LIGHT
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Accelerators Development
Beam test facility
Ultracryogenic gravitational-wave observatory
Temperature variable cryostat with 8T
superconducting magnet
Radiation Safety Service
(*) for the purpose of this contract, Associated
States are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Cyprus,
Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Subject to its final conclusion, the Association Agreement signed with
the Swiss Confederation is expected to enter into force on the
01.01.2001 (not yet signed June 2002).
Eligible researchers wishing to have access to the LNF will be required to submit to the LNF written proposals describing the work that they wish to carry out and all information requested in LNF TARI Application Form. The applications will be done according to the call for proposals issued every six months (usually in March and September). The Call for Proposals will be published in the CERN Courier, Nature and also in our web site.
Applications must be sent by mail to the following address:
LNF Directorate Offices
Via E. Fermi, 40
or by fax to the following number:
Fax: 39-06-94032582
using the following Application Form
Proposals can be submitted any time during the contract period. However the Proposals submitted after the deadline will be considered in the following Call for Proposals period.
Call for
proposals and deadlines
European Community - Access to Research Infrastructures action of the Improving Potential Programme 7th Call for Proposals The Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy, have been financed by the European Union to give access to researchers from 1 March 2000 to 29 February 2004 (Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00088). This Contract offers the opportunity for European research groups, performing or planning a research activity at LNF, to to cover subsistence and travel expenses. |
The only eligible research teams (made of one or more researchers) are those that conduct their research activity in the E.U. Member States, other than Italy, or in the Associated States. |
Proposals must be submitted in writing using the following Application Forms. They must describe the research project that the group wishes to carry out at the LNF, including the number of researchers involved, the duration of the project and the research facility of interest. Submitted proposals will be evaluated on the basis of scientific merit and interest for the European Community by a Users Selection Panel of international experts. The results will be communicated to the Group Leaders. Applications must be sent by September 12, 2003, to:
Calls for proposals | Deadlines for submission of proposals | Estimated dates of decision |
3 April, 2000 | 2 June, 2000 | August 2000 |
15 September, 2000 | 14 November, 2000 | January 2001 |
15 March, 2001 | 14 May, 2001 | July 2001 |
14 September, 2001 | 13 November, 2001 | January 2002 |
15 March, 2002 | 14 May, 2002 | July 2002 |
6 September, 2002 | 5 November, 2002 | December 2002 |
Last Call 21 July, 2003 |
Last Call 12 September, 2003 |
Last Call September 2003 |
The financial support will be
provided by the European Community through the INFN. Approved requests
will be financed with a fixed amount on a per day basis. Travel
expenses will be reimbursed. Italian Administrative rules will be
Access requests , will be
evaluated and selected on the basis of scientific merit by a Users
Selection Panel of international
experts. Communication of the evaluation result will be sent to the
Group Leader.
The LNF includes the Research Division (178 staff members), the Accelerator Division (91 staff members), the Administrative Department (27 staff members), the Health Physics Department, the Industrial medicine Department and the Safety Department. External users can use all the services and structures of the lab. These include:
the LNF Computing Service
the access to two clusters (HP-UX and OpenVMS) plus several servers
available to all users. The LNF LAN is the largest local network of the
INFN laboratories, and accounts for more than 1000 Ethernet
connections, that allow personnel and users fast connections and/or
data transmission. Since 1998 the LNF
are linked with an ATM antenna at 34 Mbit/s, and a bridge at 16 GHz, to
the high speed Italian Network dedicated to the scientific and
research (GARR B);
Library: open 24 h/day for loan. It contains
about 20,000 books and 16,000 magazines, about 150 journals and
preprints, with easy online access to the catalogue and to several
full-text journals ;
Mechanical engineering support service equipped with modern CAD for designing large and complex structures as well as developing new-technology detectors;
Fully equipped mechanical workshops;
Cryogenic and vacuum laboratory and facilities;
Fully equipped large assembly areas, including a large clean room of class A1000;
Electronic service to design, assembly and support research equipment;
Store section: goods arrivals, reception, electronic catalogues, stock control storage;
Scientific Information Service that publishs LNF and INFN preprints, Frascati Physics Series volumes, proceedings of conferences and schools held at LNF. It supports organisation of international conferences, workshops and schools (about 20/year), educational and cultural events.
Inside the LNF are also
available: visitor information services, news release, on-site
training, free Italian language courses for foreigners; video and photo
laboratory, activity documentation, video and CD production.
The users office and the recruitment office are
able to support fellows, associates, students and foreigner guests, in
particular for reception, housing, enquires and application forms.
A free guesthouse (up to 30 guests) can be
available for users.
The LNF area hosts a travel office, a
restaurant for personnel and users, two cafeterias and banks. Users
association and sport club shop are also available.
Besides public transportation, the LNF is served
by a free shuttle service from/to Frascati downtown and Rome, Monday to
Servizio di
Direzione, Maria
Cristina D'Amato e Daniela Ferrucci
September 30, 2003