Main purpose: have a log, archive, statistics and history of the DAFNE accelerators and experiments faults, warnings and news. Access is limited and restricted to user accounted to any specific operation
Show ticket status: red - ticket open by operators and under working; yellow - ticket closed by operators and waiting for supervisor acknowledge and comments; green - ticket closed and acknowledged
Open ticket: link to open faults, warning or information to share with the DAFNE services and staff. Access is restricted to DAFNE control room IPs and DAFNE staff.
Update: link to update a ticket status under working. The ticket can be update by operators and supervisor also in yellow status. Access restricted to operators and accounted supervisors.
Close: link to close an opened ticket by operators (move ticket from red to yellow status) when the problem is solved and the accelerator can restart operation. Access is restricted to DAFNE control room IPs and accounted supervisor
Acknowledge: link to acknowledge by supervisors on opened ticket closed jet by operator (move ticket from yellow to green status). Access is restricted to accounted supervisor.
Run Coordinator on Duty: & DAFNE scheduled operations March, 10, 2025