LI2FE Interaction Regions

convenor Cristina Vaccarezza

next meeting May 20th, 2010 h14:30

This Working Group is devoted to designing, build and commissioning the interaction regions of the Thomson Source and Plasma Accelerator inside the SPARC bunker, as depicted by the lay-out of the double dog-leg electron beam transport line, joined to the FLAME laser optical transport lines and ancillary instrumentation.

Main components are: interaction chamber for the Thomson Source, integration of diagnostics and control with beam transport line hardware, as well as with X-ray beam line. Interaction chamber for experiments of plasma acceleration both with external injection (Plasma Accelerator) and with Particle Wakefield mechanisms, second laser pulse compressor, downstream electron beam line with spectrometer and beam emittance measurement apparatus.


Thomson Time Chart as April 29th, 2010