Index of Pragmas

The pragmas

are accepted but ignored on AIX.

Pragma Description
alloca Provides an inline version of function alloca.
alloc_text Groups functions into separate 32-bit code sections.
  chars Sets the sign type of character data.
  comment Places a comment into the object file.
code_seg Marks the current code segment in effect.
data_seg Places static and external variables in different 32-bit data sections.
define Forces the definition of a template class without actually defining an object of the class.
disjoint Lists identifiers not aliased to each other within the current scope of their use.
entry Specifies the function to be used as the entry point for the application being built.
  enum Specifies the size of enum variables that follow.
export Declares that a DLL function is to be exported and specifies the name of the function outisde the DLL.
handler Registers an exception handler for a function.
  hdrfile Specifies the filename of the precompiled header to be generated and/or used.
  hdrstop Manually terminates the initial sequence of #include directives being considered for precompilation.
implementation Tells the compiler the name of the file that contains the function template definitions corresponding to the template declarations in the include file containing the pragma.
import Lets you import a function or a variable from a DLL using either an ordinal number or a name different from the one that it has in the DLL.
  info Controls the diagnostic messages generated by the -qinfo compiler option on AIX. Controls the diagnostic messages generated by the /Wgroup compiler options on Intel.
  isolated_call Lists functions that do not alter data objects visible at the time of the function call.
  langlvl Selects the language level for compilation.
  leaves Specifies that a given function never returns.
library This tells the linker to pull in the appropriate libraries at link time.
linkage Identifies the linkage or calling convention used on a function call.
  map Tells the compiler that all references to an identifier are to be converted to "name".
margins Specifies the columns in the input line that are to be scanned for input to the compiler.
option(s) Specifies settings for compiler options in your source program.
pack Specifies the alignment rules to use for the structures, unions, and classes that follow it.
page Skips pages of the generated source listing.
pagesize Sets the number of lines per page for the generated source listing.
priority Specifies the order in which static objects are to be initialized at run time.
  reachable Specifies that the point after a given routine, marked reachable, can be reached from a point other than the return from that routine.
seg16 Specifies that a data object will be shared between 16-bit and 32-bit processes.
sequence Defines the section of the input line that is to contain sequence numbers.
skip Skips lines of the generated source listing.
sourcedir Defines a new path to the directory containing the original source of an include file.
stack_align Specifies the function(s) for which stack alignment rules must be enforced because they are called by code not compiled with the compiler.
stack16 Sets the size of the stack to be allocated for calls to 16-bit routines.
  strings Sets storage type for strings.
subtitle Places text on generated source listings.
title Places text on generated source listings.
undeclared Used by the compiler to mark template functions that were called but never declared.
weak Adds an alternate function name with weak binding for a function.