
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption ro* RO x x


    -qro | -qnoro 
    RO | NORO 

Specifies the storage type for string literals.

The default with xlC, xlc and c89 is ro. The default with cc is noro.

If ro is specified, the compiler places string literals in read-only storage. If noro is specified, string literals are placed in read/write storage.

You can also specify the storage type in your source program using:

#pragma strings storage_type

where storage_type is read-only or writable.

Placing string literals in read-only memory can improve runtime performance and save storage, but code that attempts to modify a read-only string literal generates a memory error.

To compile myprogram.c so that the storage type is writable, enter:

xlC myprogram.c -qnoro

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults
Options that Define the Compiler Object Code Produced